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Leaves – administrative staff members

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The administrative staff member is entitled to a paid leave of:

  • 20 working days (the leave does not include national holidays), if the staff member has been employed for fewer than 10 years
  • 26 (the leave does not include national holidays) if the staff member has been employed for at least 10 years

The unused leave can be taken not later than 30 September of the following year at the latest. The leave is granted following the leave schedule set for a given academic year, after acquiring the consent of the head of the administrative unit for commencing the leave on a selected date.

The staff member who commences work for the first time, gains the right to annual leave with every month he/she works in the year of his/her work commencement, which amounts to 1/12 of the leave he/she has the right for after working for a year.

The staff member gains the right to successive leaves  in each subsequent calendar year.

The staff member employed on a party-time basis gains the right to annual leave  which is proportionate to his/her job hourly base.                    

Following the laws and regulations set in the Labour Code, the unpaid leave can be granted on the basis of a written application submitted by the staff member. It is not counted as a part of the job time span that the staff member’s benefits depend upon.

The employer is under legal obligation to offer the employee a compassionate leave in the following cases:

1. the employee marriage, the birth of his or her child, or the death and the burial of his or her spouse, child, father, mother, stepfather or stepmother – 2 days

2. the marriage of the employee’s child or the death and burial of his or her sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law and others who are either supported financially by the employee or are under his or her immediate care – 1 day

The staff member who wants to improve his professional skills on the initiative, or with the consent of his/her employer, has the right to:

  • training leave
  • a day off or a part of a day off so that he/she may take part in obligatory training meetings
  • The

When on training leave, the staff members retains the right for remuneration.

Training leave may have the following time span:

  • 6 days for the staff member who is taking paid outside examinations
  • 6 days for the staff member who is taking secondary school-leaving examination (matura)
  • 6 days for the staff member who is taking examinations confirming his/her professional qualifications or a professional examination
  • 21 days in the last year of his/her programme of studies, to prepare a diploma dissertation and to study for the final diploma examination

Training leave can be granted on days which for the employee are his/her working days, according to his/her work schedule.

Maternity leave is the mother’s right but also her obligation which she is entitled to at her child’s birth, no matter what her employment status and duration is.

The mother is entitled to take:

  • 20 weeks of the leave upon giving birth or adopting one child
  • 31 weeks upon giving one birth to two children

Maternity leave can be claimed 6 weeks before the planned delivery (but not earlier), but it should be born in mind that claiming it before the delivery shortens it respectively after the delivery.

To be able to rest after the birth and to take care of the newborn baby, the mother must use at least 14 weeks of maternity leave and may give up the rest only in some special circumstances (e.g. when the mother cannot take care of the baby) and under special conditions (e.g. when the rest of the leave is used by the baby’s father).

The intention to give up the leave and to return to work should be submitted to one’s superior at least 7 days before the intended date of the return to work. In case of the mother’s intention to return to work before the end of the 20-week-long period, the father must use the rest of the leave (as a rule it is at most 6 weeks). The mother must submit an application to give up the leave (7 days before resuming work at the latest) along with a statement issued by the father’s employer confirming that the father applied for continuing the leave. The child’s parents cannot  be on a maternity and paternity leave at the same time.

If immediately upon the baby birth an application for both types of full leaves (maternity and parental) is submitted, the child benefit will amount to 80% of the basic benefit rate for all 52 weeks.

If, however, immediately upon the baby birth  an application for a partial maternity leave and a partial parental leave is submitted, or just maternity leave and later a parental leave then the benefit will amount to 100% of the basic benefit rate throughout maternity leave and 60% of the basic benefit rate throughout parental leave. 

Parental leave is optional, paid and relieves the parent from working. It can be taken only when first maternal leave is taken and when the parent submits a written application for the leave.

Parental leave amounts to 32 weeks when one child is born and 34 weeks when at the same time two or more children are born. The leave can be used in its entirety by one parent, both parents at the same time (for 32 weeks at the maximum) or interchangeably.

Parental leave can be taken all at once or in no more than 4 consecutive portions (as a rule not shorter than 8 weeks each) or immediately upon taking the maternal benefit  for the period equivalent to a portion of , parental leave and no later than till the end of the calendar year in which the child turns six.

While on leave the employee may pursue the University job on a half-time basis – the other half-time is covered by, parental leave. If this be the case, the resumption of the job will begin upon the submission of a written application (no later than 21 days before the resumption date). The application should specify the way a portion of parental leave will be used, as the leave will be extended proportionally.

Extended parental leave is an optional, unpaid leave that can be used by either the mother or the father who have been employed for at least 6 months, including previous employers.

Extended parental leave is granted upon a written application of the employee submitted 21 days before the leave begins at the latest. The University is under the legal obligation to grant the leave.

Extended parental leave can be granted for the maximum of 36 months. However, according to the law, one month of the leave should be used only by the second parent (e.g. the mother uses 35 months of the leave and the father 1 month, or vice versa). This means that if only one parent uses the whole extended parental leave she or he may take only 35 months of the leave.

Extended parental leave can be taken in 5 portions at the maximum. The number of portions depends on the number of submitted leave applications.

The leave can be granted till the end of the calendar year in which the child is six-years-old or in the case of the extended parental taken to take care of a disabled child till the child turns eighteen-years-old.

While on extended parental leave the mother or the father are permitted to work as long as their job does not preclude their personal involvement in providing child care.

The parents may terminate the leave at any time  upon the employer’s consent and when no consent is obtained upon letting the employer know about their decision 30 days before they intend to resume their job at the latest.  

Paternity leave is optional, paid and granted upon receiving an application.

The right for paternity leave is independent of the rights of the child’s mother  and can be granted also when the mother is not an employee and cannot use leaves related to childbirth.

As a Jagiellonian University employee, the father has the right to obtain a two-week long paternity leave, which must be used within 24 months upon the child’s birth either in its entirety or in two equal, week-long portions.

The leave is granted upon a written application submitted by the employee seven days before the leave begins at the latest. The University is under the legal obligation to grant the leave.

The employee who has at least one child no older than 14-years-old has the right to take a 160-hour-long (2 days) paid  leave in a given  calendar year to take care of a healthy child. The employee makes the decision how to use the leave (hours or days) in a given calendar year  in the first leave application submitted in a given calendar year.

Pracownikowi przysługuje w ciągu roku kalendarzowego urlop opiekuńczy, w wymiarze 5 dni, w celu zapewnienia osobistej opieki lub wsparcia osobie będącej członkiem rodziny lub zamieszkującej w tym samym gospodarstwie domowym, która wymaga opieki lub wsparcia z poważnych względów medycznych.

Za członka rodziny uważa się syna, córkę, matkę, ojca lub małżonka.

Urlopu udziela się na wniosek pracownika w terminie nie krótszym niż 1 dzień przed rozpoczęciem korzystania z tego urlopu.

Wniosek do pobrania:

Urlop opiekuńczy

Pracownikowi przysługuje w ciągu roku kalendarzowego zwolnienie od pracy, w wymiarze 2 dni albo 16 godzin, z powodu działania siły wyższej w pilnych sprawach rodzinnych spowodowanych chorobą lub wypadkiem, jeżeli jest niezbędna natychmiastowa obecność pracownika. W okresie tego zwolnienia od pracy pracownik zachowuje prawo do wynagrodzenia w wysokości połowy wynagrodzenia.

Wniosek do pobrania:

Zwolnienie od pracy z powodu siły wyższej